Hey, thanks for stopping by. It's great to meet you. After you've checked out my site feel free to contact me at [email protected] or at any of the social networking sites listed below: Twitter| Facebook| Pinterest |
Since you're here you probably want to know a little about me. Well, I'm an Anglo-American who moved to the US in early adulthood. I've lived in Florida almost ever since and I try not to go anywhere where the temperature is below fifty degrees. Since early childhood I've always written something, but once out on my own, working for a living and having fun in my spare time left little room for anything else, so it wasn't until much later that I started to write novels. Mystery was my first choice but I'm a bit of a butterfly and have oodles of ideas for different genres, which means that unlike a lot of writers, I will probably continue to experiment in different fields. One on my list at some point is to write a Florida historical novel. I might try most things but I don't think I'll ever write romance. My mother read so many of those when I was growing up that I developed an aversion to them.
What else would you like to know? Favorite things? My Airedale Terrier, Jake. There have been very few times in my life when I was without a four-legged furry friend. Cats, not so much, though growing up we always had one, along with mice, an injured barn owl, a pony and various other stray critters. Chocolate is high on the list. I'm an avid reader but confess to only reading nonfiction when I want to learn something. I love the occasional weekend getaway to new places, mostly local, and quiet time to sit in the sun enjoying nature or puttering in the garden. Pet peeves - unwanted phone calls and salespeople at my door.
I am a member of the National Writers Association and am currently working on Book three of the Chase Larsen Adventures. Have more questions? Ask them on my contact page. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Regards, PJ